Starts from
S$570,228As much as we try to update the information on our website, the information provided is still subject to changes without notice as decided by the authorities or project developers and therefore the information on our website cannot be used to form part of the offer and / or contract. Although all the information provided here in this website are being treated with care we will not be liable for any inaccuracy & is only intended for information purposes and not to be considered an advertisement.
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Date | Project Name | Floor | Size (sqft) | Price | Price (psf) |
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Located at the corner of Sims Drive and Aljunied Road, an established neighbourhood with full range of amenities
5 mins walk to Aljunied MRT, 4 stations away from City Hall MRT
Well connected to major expressway such as Pan Island Expressway (PIE), Kallang-PayaLebar Expressway (KPE) &Nicoll Highway
Short drive to CBD and Changi International Airport where a slew of exciting developments taking place, e.g. SUTD, Jewel, Changi Terminal 4 & 5 etc.
8-min cycle to Sports Hub which offers everyday access to world-class sports, leisure and entertainment events catering to an active lifestyles
Nearby Geylang Methodist Primary and Secondary School
Nearby various shopping center such as Kallang Wave mall, One KM mall, PayaLebar Square, NEX, Singapore Expo and Suntec City
Strategically located in close proximity to growth clusters outlined by Singapore’s Government in the Master Plan 2014 such as the upcoming PayaLebar sub-regional centre, Kallang Riverside and Wisma Geylang Serai, offering excellent investment opportunities
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