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Date | Project Name | Floor | Size (sqft) | Price | Price (psf) |
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Located in a mature estate with a wide range of amenities surrounding it, Seaside Residences combines the best of accessibility, convenience and tranquility outside of the bustling city centre. Travelling around Singapore via the MRT will be made much easier with a 3-minute walk to the upcoming Siglap MRT Station on the Thomson-East Coast Line, which links directly to the city centre. For drivers, the East Coast Parkway (ECP) Expressway seamlessly connects to other major expressways around the island, making journeys to Changi Airport or the CBD a breeze! Enjoy all this convenience from your tranquil, scenic home outside of the city.
Situated less than 1km away from East Coast Park, go for a cycle or quick jog while enjoying scenic sea views. Siglap South Community Club is also situated not far away, for those looking to engage in community activities. Shopping-wise, be spolit for choice as you decide between Siglap Shopping Centre, Siglap Centre, Parkway Parade or I12 Katong.
Furthermore, Victoria School is located right beside Seaside Residence. Together with Victoria Junior College, Tao Nan School and Chung Cheng High School (Main) all nearby, families with school-age children can be assured of high quality education options in the East.
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