Starts from
S$720,761As much as we try to update the information on our website, the information provided is still subject to changes without notice as decided by the authorities or project developers and therefore the information on our website cannot be used to form part of the offer and / or contract. Although all the information provided here in this website are being treated with care we will not be liable for any inaccuracy & is only intended for information purposes and not to be considered an advertisement.
Min PSF(S$)
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Date | Project Name | Floor | Size (sqft) | Price | Price (psf) |
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Opposite Queenstown MRT
Easy access to major expressways, AYE & CTE
Nearby Alexandra Central, IKEA Alexandra, Queensway Shopping Centre, The Anchorpoint, Valley Point Shopping Centre, Great World City, Holland Village, Depot Heights Shopping Centre and Star Vista
5-10 minutes' drive to Orchard Road, CBD, and Marina Bay
Reputable schools such as Gan Eng Seng Primary, Crescent Girls School, CHIJ St Theresa Convent, Singapore Polytechnic and NUS are all in the vicinity
Offers over 70 condo facilities which include childcare centre and a 50m Units comes in two themes: Garden-Style Botanic Collection or Warm- Color Skype Collection
Rental potential due to close proimity from CBD, NUH, NUS& Biopolis
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