Starts from
S$796,445As much as we try to update the information on our website, the information provided is still subject to changes without notice as decided by the authorities or project developers and therefore the information on our website cannot be used to form part of the offer and / or contract. Although all the information provided here in this website are being treated with care we will not be liable for any inaccuracy & is only intended for information purposes and not to be considered an advertisement.
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Date | Project Name | Floor | Size (sqft) | Price | Price (psf) |
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Direct sheltered link to Nicoll Highway MRT station
Surrounded by landmarks like Golden Sultan Plaza, Golden Mile Tower, and Malay Heritage Centre
Excellent accessibility with KPE, ECP and MCE
A short drive to CBD, Orchard Road, Marina Financial Center and Marina Bay Sand
Selected south facing units get to enjoy Marina Reservoir Views
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